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Christee Gabour Atwood

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    3 matches found.
  • Amazon Drones Get Public Makeover
    By: Christee Gabour Atwood
    (SNN) - In a surprising turn from its traditional marketing initiatives, Amazon today announced a new look and alternative uses for its force of drone helicopters. The news followed the lukewarm public response to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos’ announcements on a recent “60 Minutes” program. Bezos told the news program that his company hoped to use the miniature drones to deliver packages directly to customers’...

  • Self-Service Police Program Unveiled at Conference
    By: Christee Gabour Atwood
    (SNN) - The dwindling number of law enforcement recruits in recent years has finally reached crisis level, according to the most recent statistics from the International Law Enforcement Institute.  At this week’s conference sponsored by the Institute, a groundbreaking new program, designed to combat these declining numbers, was unveiled. Due to the critical nature of this information, the unveiling was scheduled early in the conference...

  • Latest iPhone has Coffee, Wardrobe Features, But No Phone
    By: Christee Gabour Atwood
    (SNN) - In the latest Apple software update, incorporated to fix bugs in the iPhone operating system, programmers have included a change that has surprised many iPhone users. “There’s no phone on this thing,” a surprised Kurt Coen complained in a focus group interview. “I can’t make a phone call.” That’s because the cell phone feature is no longer included in the iPhone. “We did a survey”,...

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